Art Tuesday Quote Obsessed

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It is Art Tuesday at Elarbee Media and today we wanted to highlight this new piece we bought on a whim at the farmer’s market.  It is a fortune cookie with a quote coming out of it. Is it Art? Yes, but to a greater degree the “quote” is what compels the purchase.

From social media posts, to ad campaigns, America has become “quote obsessed”. T-shirts, mugs, e-cards, pillows, and tote bags are all emblazoned with our deepest inner thoughts.

As an advertiser, coming up with a catchy tag line can be golden. The resonance of your message can create a buzz, and grass roots adoption beyond anything your ad spend could generate. Here are a few of our favorites that have caught on and been adopted.

Grab a Heiney!

The Moose is Loose!

It’s Miller Time!

Live Mas!

What is your favorite?

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