Art Tuesday - Silliness and Balance

It is Art Tuesday at The Specialist Works US and today we are embracing fun. In a recent trip to New Orleans, we acquired this piece of art that exemplifies just that. Often in life, we over think the things that are unimportant, and fail to embrace the short snippets of fun that are intended to jostle us along in our day. This painting on board (Masonite if we can be candid) is a mix of thoughtfulness and of silliness. Just the right mix for a full day that allows a person to embrace the need to be focused, and the need to let go. Balance has a habit of creating productivity. At TSWUS as serious as we are about business, we intend that every day has an element of silliness, and that every day we each laugh and leave here with a smile of either satisfaction or of fondness. The name of this painting is Giggly Cigarette Girl. Can’t get any better than that – Can it?
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