Cocktail Friday - Reintroducing, Lancers

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It is Cocktail Friday at The Specialist Works US and today we are brainstorming on bouncebacks. Lancers RosĂ© was incredibly trendy in the 1970s, in part due to its unique shape, which allowed drinkers to plant a candle inside and incorporate the empty bottles into their homes. The wine has since fallen out of favor, but it's gotten us thinking: how can we reposition the brand to revitalize sales in the digital age?

Millennial women are the fastest growing drinkers of wine, comprising 23% of the total US market. One way to reach this audience may be to readapt the bottle into consumers’ lifestyles. Candles have been replaced my smartphones and many digital natives crave authentic interaction with brands. To keep up with a younger market and reclaim its 15 minutes of fame, brands like Lancers will need rethink the role they play in American life.  

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