Wit & Wisdom Wednesday - Churchill on Listening

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” Winston Churchill
It is Wit & Wisdom Wednesday at Elarbee Media, and we are pulling a quote from one of our core inspirations Sir Winston Churchill. (The man, not the superb bar on Crescent St in Montreal)
Business leadership is a tricky thing – people look to you for direction, but sometimes it is important to set direction based on what you hear from the ground up. Stopping, taking stock and listening are often hard things for the entrepreneur to embrace. That said, listening is one of the most important things you as a leader can do. The perspective from other positions and directions is often enlightening to the point of being painful, but is always a starting point for advancement. Whether that comes from changing systems, or editing those who do not share your perspective, it is always an opportunity for progress.
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