Fingerhut Blow-In Program
Fingerhut is a nation-wide direct retailer, delivering shop-at-home convenience and a wide selection of products both online and through regular mailings to their customers. Fingerhut makes buying easily affordable by providing credit options and low monthly payments. Customers' satisfaction is always their first priority. They make the best products and the best name-brands readily available while also offering many product exclusives not found elsewhere. Fingerhut's commitment to quality and service is evident to their customers every time they shop. Their "Now You Can" approach to sales has allowed their customers freedom to purchase from a variety of products at different price points, including electronics, apparel, jewelry, sports/recreation/outdoor, toys/infants, and home furnishings. "Now You Can" reach these avid direct marketing consumers within the sales cycle by putting your offer in their hands at the most positive moment!Demographics
% female
$ Avg Household Income
Avg Age
About Catalog Blow-Ins
Catalog Blow-ins allow advertisers to place material into a brand's outbound catalog. Catalog's will reach an active customer profile with a defined demographic.
These defined audiences combined with the cost offset of avoiding solo-mail create the perfect environment for delivering ROI when properly selected for customer profile match against your own audience.
There is an added benefit to them in that they are a welcome mailing in the home rather than being unsolicited. The warm nature of the mailing establishes an implied endorsement for those riding along with the mailing.
Key Stats
3.00" X 3.00"
6.00" X 6.00"
6.00" X 6.00"