Nurture Life Package Insert
The Nurture Life Package Insert Program is a great way to reach online grocery buyers who need help getting creative and simplifying their children's meals. This is an impactful way to guarantee your brand physical placement into the hands of the Nurture Life members.
About Package Inserts
Package Insert Programs are designed to carry advertiser messaging in another brand's outbound product shipments.
These shipments contain goods purchased by a recipient at their home address, making them an ideal vehicle to carry a third-party message. Recipients are proven mail-order or online buyers, which enhances response for third-party partners. The ability to target brands with a complimentary audience to your offer creates the perfect partnership.
Running an insert in another brand's packages will yield a 100% open rate for your brand's materials.
When consumers receive a package, they will not only open it, but they will have a rush of endorphins as they open the package they have been expecting! This means your insert will be received at a time of joy and excitement by the customer.
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Package Inserts
12 per year